Emerging Leaders Program
Fall 2022 Course Material

Welcome to the Emerging Leaders Program

GRI’s Emerging Leaders Program is designed to advance the knowledge and effectiveness of leaders in financial organizations, in the management of risk.  This course provides understanding and application of risk methodologies, to assist leaders in asking the right questions and assessing responses to risk challenges within their organizations.GRI’s Emerging Leaders Program is designed to advance the knowledge and effectiveness of leaders in financial organizations, in the management of risk.  This course provides understanding and application of risk methodologies, to assist leaders in asking the right questions and assessing responses to risk challenges within their organizations.


This program is comprised of two full days.

Active participation is required for this program with mandatory audio and video on during group discussion for those attending virtually.  This program features a combination of lecture, group discussion, case study and pre-read materials.

Course Materials:

The materials are broken down per day.