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Decision-Making in the Face of Uncertainty – GRI Summit 2023

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In this engaging panel discussion, experts discussed possible solutions to decision-making challenges for governments and investors. Dr. Robert Lempert from the RAND Corporation outlined a method called Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty (DMDU) which can help stakeholders with widely differing views come to decisions on issues like climate change.

Samantha Hill from CPP Investments spoke about being agents of change by investing in sustainable projects. She also highlighted the fund’s use of an “Abatement Capacity Assessment Framework” to assess costs and readiness related to decarbonization scenarios, to ensure ongoing resiliency of the fund.

Addressing insurability challenges, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security Juliette Kayyem referred to insurers in California as the canary in the coal mine of climate change. Kayyem urged governments to treat disasters not as rare anomalies, but as standard occurrences. She also stressed the need to give insurers the flexibility to devise innovative solutions.

The panel agreed that climate change likely needs to be reframed as something else to overcome opposition to climate action.

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